Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Council Bluffs 13 Mile Road Run

Last night I found out there is going to be a two mile race in our area this weekend. After calling about it, I've decided to make this my first official Road Race! I know that I may not be able to run the entire two miles, but I think it will be fun. Also, even thou it is a small race, it should give me a taste of what the 5k races are going to be like.

If you have any last minutes tips, let me have them!

I'll put up a post-race report on Sat.

Here are the details of the Race:

Where: Lake Manawa (North Shore - the entrance across from the Drive-In)
When: Sat. - Register at 9:30 am
Race: 10:00 am
Fee: $3
Distances: 13 Miles, 10k, 2 mile

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