Saturday, April 14, 2007

Getting there...

Who would have thought getting back on track would be so tough. Tuesday was not a great day. I only got a half mile into my run, then had to stop. At one point I felt faint. I really didn't feel sick or anything before hand, but I was running on a treadmill. Don't know if that has anything to do with it.

On Thursday I was recovering. My coworkers took me out for some drinks and to shoot some pool, since my last day is Wednesday. Let's just say, someone (not me) had the idea of doing a round of shots. That wasn't the greatest thing to do, but then the second round just wasn't a smart idea at all.

However, I had a really great run today. I covered 3.04 miles. The best part is I have energy and my legs feel good.

I'm getting there, but it is slow. I'm running a 5k in two weeks and really need to get back to running three days a week.

Side note: I took an IQ test today and rated above average. Now I just need to get smart again about my running!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Back on track

From laziness, to an injury, to celebrating, I missed every run this week. That was until this afternoon - I decided it was time to get back on track.

It was really easy to get off track. I missed my Tuesday run, mainly, because I was lazy. Missed Wednesday's run due to a strange "pop" in my calf. Then I missed Saturday's run, because I was out celebrating my new job Friday night.

Before I knew it, it's Sunday and I realized I hadn't run all week. So, I went out running this evening, determined to get back on track.

I fell this week. I didn't run due to several reasons, but I got back up and ran. I was so scared that I wouldn't be able to do my 3 miler. I even thought about just doing 1.5, but it felt great to finish the whole 3 miles and it showed me I can still run!

It is not the fact that you fall that defeats you; it is the failure not to get up and get back on track.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

No Running

So, I missed my Tuesday run, because I was lazy. But I'm not going to run today either. This morning I was shaking water off my foot after a shower, when I felt a pop in the middle of my calf. There was a slight burning feeling for a minute, but no real pain.

But later in the day, it would bother me a little. So, I'm going to hold off running and see how I feel on Saturday.

Anyone ever have this happen to them?