Saturday, March 31, 2007

Spiritual Run

Today I had a very spiritual run. I'm not going to go into the details, but I will tell you this week has been very stressful. Add to that, I haven't been eating well, not to mention that I have had more alcohol this week, then I think I had all last month! Side note, as a new year resolution, I have been trying to cut back to only a one or two drinks a week...if any. I also missed my last three workouts, including one run.

Last night I decided I was going to get back on track. So, this morning I had a healthy breakfast and went for my run. It was a very hard run. I could tell cheating on my diet this week, was not going to help me this morning. Lets just say I was not physically or mentally up to par for this run.

This morning during my run, I was touched by God. In the 30 minutes it took me to finish my run, I was mentally tore down and built back up again. It was very spiritual and I am very glad the Lord was with me on my run today.


Tiffany said...

What is that supposed to mean?!? You are weird!!!!

Mr.Cheapo said...

don't feel bad man, I'm there with you. I ate half a pizza yesterday and drank 6 BEERS!!!

Going to make my 5 miler today very interesting.

BTW, congrats on 5k you and I (it appears) started running around the same time.