Monday, March 12, 2007

Longest Run Yet!

This morning I got up and ran 2.8 miles. I must say, it wasn't the best run that I have had, but it was the longest one. The only major issue I had was my left shin felt a little sore. I wouldn't call it a shin-splint yet, but I might not run on Wed. as planned. I'll see how I feel then. I will run my first 5k on Sat. and I would rather take Wed. off and be able to run on Sat. then not be able to run the race.

Also, I'm going to follow some advice the was given to me and cut back next week. I have been building up my mileage since the first of the year. I figure I'll do three 1.5 mile runs next week, then start running 3 miles 3 days a week. However, I'll still need to build my Wed. mileage up to 3 miles. Right now I'm at 1.5, as an easy run.

All-in-all I feel good. I'm still really excited about the race and I know that I'll be able to finish! Best of all, I'm going to have a cheering section. My wife, little sister and some of our friends will be cheering for me at the finish line.

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