Saturday, July 14, 2007

The 5 Mile Run

I did it!!!! I ran 5 miles non-stop today!!!

I got up at 6:00am and it was a beautiful morning. I took it slow and easy and had fun with it.

I saw a doe and her two fawns. Lots of rabbits and birds. I saw the sun glistening off the lake. I even saw the downtown buildings through the trees.

I will say that I was tired after the run. I even took a nap later in the afternoon and still feel a little tired. Instead of using water, I used a 50/50 mix of Gatorade and water. I wonder if that is not enough. I will say I do not eat in the mornings before I run. It has been hot here quickly and I run no later than 6:00am to beat the heat. Need to figure out what to do about that, If I'm as tired next week after my run. Maybe start with a 75/25 mix.

Anyways. I did it.

By the way, here is what next week is going to look like. Note, it is a cutback week:

Mon: Rest/XT
Tue: 3 Miles
Wed: Rest/XT
Thu: 3 Miles
Fri: Rest/XT
Sat: 2.5 Miles
Sun: Rest/XT

I'm following the Jeff Galloway's half-marathon training plan.


Pat said...

congratulations. That's a big accomplishment. I remember taking a few naps after my long runs. Keep up the good work.


Joe said...

Right on Matt! That's got to feel great. I just got up to 3 miles today. I was struggling with my runs energy) until I figured out what to eat before, and after. That has done the trick for me.

Nancy said...

Hey Matt - You are doing awesome. We are working toward the same goal - DSM in 92 days. I am an Iowa girl, heck, we're probably related...

I'm only a week or two ahead of you on the schedule. Take it slow, you can do it!! I did 6.5 last weekend and you'd have thought I had run a marathon, I was so proud! I'm going for 7 on Saturday.


Tom@RunnersLounge said...

Hi Matt. I just found your blog site and am enjoying reading of your great start into running and how much you are enjoying it. Great progress. I'm from Des Moines and a volunteer at the Des Moines Marathon and Half Marathon. You'll love it and you're well on pace to be very prepared. I post with Amy about running, and it's a lot of fun. Keep up your great posting and running.

Pat said...

Hey Matt, where'd you go? Hope that 5 miler didn't do you in.
