Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Where have I been?

One word... Wii

I've been asked where I've been and how is my running. Well, we recently got a Wii and in the evenings we tend to play with the Wii instead of surfing the net. So, I haven't been updating the blog as much.

To get everyone up to speed of the last couple weeks, I have been running. My 5 miler did not do me in. I didn't run on Tuesday this week, because I think I rolled my ankle somehow over the weekend. Other than that, I have made every run.

This past Saturday I did 6.5 miles. It was my longest run yet and the first time I tried using a GU or gel. I tried GU Espresso Love and Chocolate. I could barely get down the Espresso Love, but loved the Chocolate! I got a Vanilla GU pack to try next week. We'll see how that tastes.

I'm sorry I haven't posted anything the past couple weeks, but I'll try to at least post something once a week. It's the Wii - it's so addicting!


Pat said...

glad you're not letting the wii get in the way of your running. We have a wii too. I like the bowling best.


Tiffany said...

Congrats on your 6.5 run! You are doing awesome bro!

Nancy said...

Hi Matt - I found you awhile ago and then worried about the gap. So glad you are still at it! Congrats on 6.5. I am slowly ramping up also - my first 10 on Sunday. I am in DSM and (God willing) will be at the DSM marathon too! Good luck - Keep it up!