Monday, June 18, 2007

Half-Marathon training progress – 18 weeks to go!

Well, I've got 18 weeks to go until the half-marathon. Last week was really nice, because my shin splints were starting to fade away. Monday and Wednesday's runs were really good. During the runs I could tell that my shins were getting better and I knew that it was only a matter of time until they were 100%.

Friday's run on the other hand was really tough. I decided to run over lunch, because we had dinner plans Friday night. The first thing I had to deal with was the temperature. It was the hottest day of the year so far and no clouds in the sky. The second thing was hills. The route that I took had four major level changes. Although, it was a very hard run, I think the hills have helped to strengthen my legs. The muscles in my legs are starting to pop out!

So about this week. This week is on to a great start! No Pain!!! Although I never thought of my shin splint pain as being bad, there was a lot of discomfort during the start and cool down of my runs. Tonight, I didn't have any pain. I forgot what it was like to have your legs feel almost refreshed after a run. I had very very little discomfort during my warm up and nothing during or after my run!

We'll see how the rest of the week goes. Here is the plan for this week:

Mon: 2 Miles
Tue: Rest/XT
Wed: 2.5 Miles
Thu: Rest/XT
Fri: 3 Miles
Sat & Sun: Rest/XT


Anonymous said...

I notice you go from 2 miles to 3 miles in a week. This could be one of the causes for shin splints. It's generally a good idea not to increase your mileage more than 10% in a week, especially not within the same week. You increased 50%, that may cause some shin splints if your legs aren't quite up to the distance. take it easy.

Pat said...

another suggestion is to walk the added mileage for a few days. If you plan to go a half mile further, walk it the first three times. Then you can run it, it won't seem as far.


Anonymous said...

Good job running in this heat! Keep it up! I have run the DSM 1/2 marathon a few times and really enjoyed it!